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21 Savage Turned Himself In On Drugs & Weapons Charges Related To His 2019 ICE Arrest

21 Savage surrendered to Atlanta Police after finding out about a warrant connected to his ICE immigration case.

21 Savage‘s ICE immigration case was one of the most unexpected stories of 2019, and two years later, there haven’t been many updates on the situation since the SAVAGE MODE II artist’s nearly month-long detainment. Now, on the brink of his forthcoming Off-Season Tour with J. Cole, news has broken that 21 Savage surrendered to Atlanta Police this week.

According to Uproxx, a warrant stemming from his immigration case was issued by a local magistrate after being filed on September 7, and upon learning about it, 21 Savage turned himself in on Thursday. He was reportedly released that same evening.

21 Savage is seen at the private screening of 'Spiral' for 21 Savage and friends on May 12, 2021 in Los Angeles, California.
Emma McIntyre/Getty Images

According to Uproxx, the warrant was issued on the grounds that 21 Savage allegedly had drugs and weapons in his possession during his infamous run-in with ICE, and it alleges that when stopped, the Atlanta rapper was seen throwing out a bottle of codeine and having a handgun in the vehicle.

21’s attorney, Charles Kuck, reportedly told Buzzfeed that this latest warrant is just a last-ditch effort by ICE, who has refused to drop the rapper’s deportation case, to cover its tracks. 

“The warrant appears to have been sought at the behest of ICE, as the warrant was issued in the eve of an Immigration Court hearing in Mr. Joseph’s deportation proceeding, and is based upon events that transpired on the evening that ICE arrested Mr. Joseph over 2 and one-half years ago,” Kuck stated. “There can be no doubt that ICE is seeking to cover its own errors in detaining Mr. Jospeh by pushing trumped-up charges against him and seeks to stop him from obtaining lawful permanent residence in the United States.”

21 Savage attends the Tom Ford AW20 Show at Milk Studios on February 07, 2020 in Hollywood, California.
Amy Sussman/Getty Images

According to Uproxx, the shocking ICE deportation case was initially based on felony drug charges, but they were vacated on the grounds that 21 Savage overstayed his visa, which expired when the Atlanta rapper turned 12 or 13 years old. Since facing deportation, 21 has pursued a U visa and applied for a green card.

As previously mentioned, 21 Savage was released on bond on Thursday evening, and now he is reportedly preparing for the opening night of J. Cole’s The Off-Season Tour in Miami.


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