Brooklyn Bishop Robbed Of His Jewelry While Live-Streaming

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Bishop Lamor Whitehead Robbed

Source: YouTube / Youtube

In 2022 the wolves don’t care if you’re a rapper, entertainer, or even a man of God—if you’re sporting icey jewelry, you’re going to get got.

According to the New York Times, Bishop Lamor M. Whitehead was robbed at gunpoint yesterday (July 24) while delivering his Sunday sermon, which was also being live-streamed to his congregation. The jux went down at a church in Brooklyn as Mr. Whitehead was on stage preaching the gospel when three masked men barged into the service and went to work.

In the video of the live-stream you can see the Bishop noticing the men walking in looking for trouble as he immediately threw his hands up and laid down on the floor. The stick-up kids proceeded to relieve Mr. Whitehead and his wife of gold chains, his watch, wedding band, and even his bishop cross. When it was all said and done the men made off with more than $1 million in jewelry.

After the theft, which took place shortly after 11 a.m., the three individuals fled on foot and entered a white Mercedes-Benz vehicle. They were last seen driving away, the police said, and no arrests had been made. An investigation was ongoing, the New York Police Department said.

Smart move picking such an inconspicuous vehicle like a white Mercedes Benz for the getaway car. SMH.

Luckily no one was hurt during the robbery though many of his parishioners were left traumatized by the experience. No one was ready to have that kind of out of body experience at church.

Talking about the incident on his IG page, Whitehead wrote “You did this to the church, the church where I’m sure your grandmother praises God and Jesus,” he said. “There’s no reason for you to come inside a church and violate it.”

Whitehead for his part has been known to flash his luxurious lifestyle as he walks around iced out when he’s not pushing his luxury car. Truth be told, it was a matter of time before a heathen decided to pull this kind of maneuver. Still, he doesn’t care what people may say about his lifestyle as he stated “It’s my prerogative to purchase what I want to purchase if I worked hard for it.”

Looking for justice, the bishop is offering a $50,000 reward for information that leads to the arrest of the men who stuck him up in church. Just look for someone rocking a gold bishop cross piece in a white Benz.

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