Ray J got the news cycle spinning with a relentless Instagram Live session that he recently engaged in, using the moment to hit back at the Kardashian family over the infamous sex tape. According to some older documentation, it appears that Ray J and Kim Kardashian made the pornography company that put out their joint sex tape a pretty penny in just six weeks.
TMZ reports that Vivid, the company that put out the infamous sex tape which seemingly sparked the career of Kim Kardashian, boasted of a flurry of sales in the opening weeks of the tape’s much-ballyhooed release
From TMZ:
We’ve obtained an email from Vivid Entertainment honcho Steve Hirsch dated May 1, 2007, in which he informs Kim the tape made $1,424,636.63 in revenue, including the majority, $1,255,578.50, coming from DVD sales.
It’s interesting … the tape was released on March 14, 2007. Kim filed a lawsuit on February 21, 2007, against Vivid, claiming she didn’t authorize the release of the tape. That case was dismissed — presumably, it was settled — April 27, 2007. Just 4 days later, Kim got the email from Vivid on sales numbers.
Ray J said over the weekend, Kim actually signed on from the get-go, and even produced his contract with a list of the sex tapes … saying Kim wrote the inventory list. He also produced a letter from her and says it’s the exact same handwriting.
Ray J went on a recent rant on social media accusing Kris Jenner and the Kardashian clan of framing him for putting the video out but instead said that Jenner orchestrated the entire thing.
Photo: Getty
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