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Bill Clinton Released From Hospital Following Infection

Bill Clinton has been released from the hospital.

Former President Bill Clinton was released from the hospital, Sunday morning, after spending five nights at UC Irvine Medical Center. Clinton had been diagnosed with a urological infection, which spread to his bloodstream.

Dr. Alpesh N. Amin, the hospital’s executive director of the Hospital Medicine, explained Clinton’s condition in a statement following his release: “His fever and white blood cells count are normalized and he will return home to New York to finish his course of antibiotics. On behalf of everyone at UC Irvine Medical Center, we were honored to have treated him and will continue to monitor his progress.”

Bill Clinton, Hospital
Brian Ach / Getty Images

While hospitalized, the former President was visited by both his wife, Hillary, and daughter Chelsea Clinton.

Bill Clinton was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday, but the news was released until Thursday.

“He was admitted to the ICU for close monitoring and administered IV antibiotics and fluids. He remains at the hospital for continuous monitoring,” Amin announced in a statement, last week. “After two days of treatment, his white blood cell count is trending down and he is responding to antibiotics well. We hope to have him go home soon.”


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