Diving Deep with MNA: The Mind Behind the Music

MNA-PHOTO-4 Diving Deep with MNA: The Mind Behind the Music

In the ever-competitive landscape of the music industry, staying inspired and avoiding burnout is a challenge that even the most seasoned artists face. For MNA, the key lies in embracing the ebbs and flows of life. He acknowledges that everyone goes through periods where creativity feels elusive. In those moments, allowing oneself to feel and process emotions becomes essential. When inspiration strikes, he believes in riding that wave and creating as much as possible. Practicing gratitude and making the most of what life has offered is central to his approach to maintaining creativity.

The Journey and Pivotal Moments

MNA’s journey has been marked by continuous affirmations that he’s on the right path. Each upload, comment, repost, or message from fans serves as a reminder of his purpose in music. It’s not about fame or popularity but about being true to oneself. This realization is what fuels his passion and dedication to continue making music, as it has become an inseparable part of his identity.

Growing up in Washington DC, a melting pot of cultures, during the late ’90s and early 2000s, significantly influenced MNA’s sound. The diverse genres like rap, rock, electronic, and pop-punk that he was exposed to in his formative years have shaped his musical style today. The rich blend of sounds from his environment is reflected in his genre-bending approach to music.

Responsibilities and Challenges

As a rapper, MNA feels a responsibility to convey strength, resilience, and honorability. Rap, in his view, is about fighting through struggles and obstacles. He sees it as his duty to inspire and help people through his music. His experience working with record labels has been unique. Although he has collaborated with labels in the past, he prefers to maintain his independence, signing over songs or albums rather than himself. MNA Industries, his hybrid business model, offers a balance between label partnerships and independent sovereignty. This approach provides the freedom to explore his artistry without being tied down, allowing him to self-fund his movement.

Navigating the Business Side

The business aspect of the music industry is one that MNA approaches with a sharp focus on financial independence. He emphasizes the importance of revenue-generating endeavors to fund music marketing. His advice to fellow artists is to be vigilant, hire legal help when necessary, and prioritize independence. Empowerment should come from within rather than waiting for a label to provide it.

Evolution and Experimentation

MNA is not one to stay stagnant in his musical evolution. Every new project he undertakes is an exploration of new sounds and genres. He conceptualizes his albums around themes or ideas, constantly seeking to challenge himself and push the boundaries of his artistry. This commitment to change and growth sets his work apart, making each album a unique listening experience.

Beyond Music

Interestingly, MNA draws significant inspiration from non-musical sources as well. As an entrepreneur and businessperson, he finds motivation in business podcasts, books by investors, and the teachings of business moguls. These ideas keep him hungry and driven to achieve more. His spiritual side is also an important aspect of his life, with readings from both the Bible and the Quran shaping his worldview.

The State of Hip-Hop

MNA holds a critical view of the current state of hip-hop. He feels that the genre has lost its originality, with many artists prioritizing social media trends over musical quality. To him, the industry is currently flooded with lackluster lyrics and subpar production. He believes music needs a revival, with a return to genuine artistry and creativity.

Authenticity Amidst the Noise

Maintaining authenticity in a digital age dominated by trends is no easy feat. MNA stays grounded through prayer, physical fitness, and surrounding himself with real and supportive people. By focusing on what truly matters in life and avoiding the pitfalls of online distractions, he is able to remain true to his art and values.

The Story Behind MNA

MNA’s journey began with a deep admiration for the greats of the ’90s and early 2000s, during the golden age of music. Inspired by both rappers and rock groups, he ventured into music creation at the age of sixteen. Years of honing his craft eventually led to a collaboration with local producer nemo, resulting in the album “Diamond Dog.” Beyond music, MNA is a published author, avid writer, and professional actor, showcasing his versatility as an artist.

MNA’s dedication to his craft is evident in his commitment to staying inspired, evolving his sound, and maintaining authenticity. His journey through the music industry, marked by a blend of independence and strategic collaborations, highlights his unique approach to artistry. By balancing musical creation with business acumen and a grounded lifestyle, MNA continues to carve his path in the ever-changing landscape of hip-hop.

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