The Lost Holliday: A Moving Story of Grief and Connection

unnamed-23 The Lost Holliday: A Moving Story of Grief and Connection
The Lost Holliday” premiered on September 25, 2024, at the Magic Johnson Theater, attracting stars like Vivica A. Fox, Jussie Smollett, Brittany Hall, and Mona Scott Young. The red-carpet event celebrated the film’s upcoming release in select AMC theaters this Friday. Vivica A. Fox plays Cassandra Marshall, a mother grieving the loss of her son Damien Holliday, portrayed by Jabari Redd. Upon arriving in Los Angeles to arrange his funeral, she discovers his husband Jason (Jussie Smollett) has already taken care of the details. The film touches on family, love, and loss, with a star-studded cast delivering powerful performances.
As Cassandra navigates her son’s life through his friends and family—including his best friend Duck, his adopted daughter Arielle, and his sister Cheyenne (Brittany Hall)—she learns more about him in death than she ever did in life. The film’s emotional depth and strong storytelling make it a must-see. Viewers will find themselves connecting with Cassandra’s journey of grief and discovery, making “The Lost Holliday” a compelling experience for all. You can check out “The Lost Holliday” in select AMC theaters by clicking here.

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About the author: StanleyGatero View all posts by StanleyGatero
I am Stanley, an online marketer and senior contributor at Disruptmagazine, FoxInterviewer, Redxmagazine, IndiePulseMusic, 24Hiphop, Limitless Magazine and Hiphopsince1987. Reach out to me at [email protected] for PR inquiries.

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