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LeBron James Gets Harsh Criticism From Kyle Rittenhouse Spokesperson

Kyle Rittenhouse’s people aren’t happy with the Lakers superstar.

All eyes are currently on the trial for Kyle Rittenhouse who became famous for killing two people during Black Lives Matter protests last year. Rittenhouse was immediately criticized for his actions, while others defended him as they felt like he was put in a dangerous situation that warranted his response. 

Now, Rittenhouse is on trial for the deaths of these protesters, and he is being grilled on all fronts. Earlier this week, Rittenhouse went viral on social media as a clip of him crying on the stand began to circulate. Rittenhouse couldn’t even get his point across as he was visibly filled with emotion. There were various people online who were questioning the validity of this emotion, including LeBron James who took to Twitter saying “What tears????? I didn’t see one. Man knock it off! That boy ate some lemon heads before walking into court.”

Just a few days after those comments, Rittenhouse’s team is now clapping back. In an interview with America’s Newsroom, Dave Hancock, the defendant’s spokesperson, took aim at LeBron, telling the superstar to mind his own business next time.

“It absolutely was not [fake crying]. To LeBron, I would just say he should be paying more attention to the Lakers,” Hancock said. “But, if he would like to have a sitdown at some point in time, I’m sure he and Kyle can talk about how we can change and fix the system that allows prosecutors to do what they’re doing to Kyle right now.”

Kyle rittenhouse

Sean Krajacic-Pool/Getty Images

Hancock’s sarcastic quip is most likely going to be met by silence as far as LeBron is concerned. After all, the Lakers star has made it quite clear that he wants nothing to do with Rittenhouse, in any way shape, or form.


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