Pretty Ricky’s Baby Blue Sentenced To 20 Months In Prison For PPP Loan Fraud: Report

The R&B singer reportedly took a plea deal and was originally facing several years behind bars.

The government has not been playing around when it comes to the Paycheck Protection Program. The PPP loan option was enacted to help businesses that were struggling throughout the pandemic, especially those affected due to the quarantine lockdown. While those loans were able to help many pay employees and keep their businesses afloat, there were thousands of people who used the opportunity for a financial come up.

We’ve continuously reported on Pretty Ricky singer Baby Blue facing federal charges after authorities accused him of defrauding the government of $1 million and using PPP loan money for personal expenses. Back in May, he warned against getting involved with the loans.

“In my opinion, the best way to stay safe from everything going on surrounding these PPP Loans is just stay away from them,” Blue said at the time. “Don’t discuss them with anyone. Don’t give anyone your information. Don’t attempt to do it yourself. IT IS NOT WORTH IT. You can repair your credit and get a conventional loan from your local bank. Don’t get caught up in this PPP thing because it’s not worth it.”

According to Baller Alert, Baby Blue took a plea deal and was sentenced to 20 months behind bars. They also reported, “Baby Blue was ordered to pay $1,111345.23 in restitution and $1,134,782 in forfeiture in addition to his term of imprisonment.” He is also said to have stated about his sentence that “the judge was fair.”

On Instagram, he penned a lengthy caption where he spoke about learning from life’s lessons.

I can’t go back and change the beginning but I can start where I am and change the ending. There are things in life we don’t want to happen but have to accept; Lessons in life we don’t want to know but have to learn. We have to remember that life’s greatest lessons are usually learned at the worst times and from the worst mistakes. Sometimes the bad things that happens to us end up putting us on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.

Read through the message in its entirety below.


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