On Friday (July 29), Will Smith took to social media to again apologize to Chris Rock for the infamous Oscars slap. The emotional Smith said that he behavior was unacceptable while apologizing to Rock’s family, as well as his own, and offering more insight into his behavior and remorse.
In a YouTube post also shared throughout his social channels, a message on screen said Smith wanted to answer all the fair questions he’s been asked since the incident. He began by explaining why he didn’t apologize to Chris Rock from the Academy Awards stage during his acceptance speech. “I was fogged out by that point, it was all fuzzy,” said Smith. “I’ve reached out to Chris and the message that came back is he’s not ready to talk, and when he is, he will reach out.”
From there, Smith apologized to Rock, and added, “My behavior was unacceptable, and I’m here whenever you’re ready to talk.”
Smith then went on to apologize to Chris Rock’s mother and family, as well as Tony Rock, adding that the relationship with the latter is probably irreparable.
“There is no part of me that thinks that was the right way to behave in that moment,” added Smith. “There’s no part of me that thinks that’s the optimal way to handle a feeling of disrespect or insults.”
As far as the question of Jada Pinkett-Smith’s now famed eye-roll after Rock’s joke setting things off, Smith said that was not the case.
“It’s like, you know, I made a choice on my own, from my own experiences, from my history with Chris,” said Smith. “Jada had nothing to do with it. I’m sorry, babe. I want to say sorry to my kids and my family for the heat that I brought on all of us.”
Rock also made sure to mention he was deeply sorry, although he says it’s not sufficient, for ruining the moments of other nominees, particularly Questlove since the incident happened just before the Roots drummers’ Oscar-winning moment.
Smith’s message to those he let down may have been the most poignant moment of the 5-minute video:
“Disappointing people is my central trauma. I hate when I let people down. So it hurts me psychologically and emotionally to know I didn’t live up to people’s image and impression of me. And the work I’m trying to do is, I am deeply remorseful and I’m trying to be remorseful without being ashamed of myself. I’m human. And I made a mistake, and I’m trying not to think of myself as a piece of shit. So I would say to those people, I know it was confusing, I know it was shocking. But I promise you, I am deeply devoted and committed to putting light and love and joy into the world. And you know, if you hang on, I promise we’ll be able to be friends again.”
Recently Rock fleetingly joked about the incident, declaring he’s not a victim.
Let us know what you think of Will Smith’s apology in the comments and online.
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